Saturday, September 02, 2006


An ambit is the arced far-edge of a potential range of vision or action.

Every ambit has relativity to an actor, or agent, who is the originator of the view to the potential action. This actor is at a center, or centering point, called origo.

Between the ambit and the actor is a line, kind of like a balloon string, that is path of potential action along the view.

One actor can have many ambits. The universe being multi-dimensional, not linear, and at least global, the strings of potential actions for any individual extend in 360 degrees in any plane cutting through a sphere.

We can recognize that there are 360 potential planes of action to the 360th for any individual in any instant.

The instant is where we find ourselves right now.

Habit is the ambit we are most likely to pursue right now without further analysis.

Routine is the method by which we will act upon an habitual ambit.

Compulsion is an internal or external force (like trying to keep a job, or keep a marriage together) that influences a proclivity towards habitual action.

The universe of potential actions is broader than any one ambit. So, the potential universe has many aspects which can be viewed as ambits, or acted upon in the alternative to any path of action currently being acted upon in the instant. Likewise, any ambit has many potential aspects and is not always the same when viewed in different instants.

Because this is not understood, we are often surpised by what is new, innovative, and paradigm-shifting. But, if we understand this, we can see the Black Swan coming.

A Black Swan is something unexpected that suddenly materializes in a new and provocative way.

What to choose? How to choose? Where to go?

If you close your eyes, meditation style, the physical world and competing attractors are shut down. This takes you to an inner range of vision. Candidates for action can be recognized by other than physical means. Take a pile of work on your desk for example. That's a physical attraction. But, is it a priority? Shut down the physical by closing your eyes and assess the possibilities from the point of view of temporary physical blindness.

I call this being oracular. Weren't most oracles blind, or in dark hidden recesses like wells where the questors had to lean in and their questions echoed around? Ask yourself, for instance what do I do next? The answer may be different with eyes closed, than with eyes opened. I call this inner dialogue. Listen to the answer, with eyes-closed. This may lead you to eyes open action. I call this working to the outside from the inside.

The Mind is in the head. Eyes-closed it can ask: What are ALL the ambits (ie potential actions), the candidates, for this instant? It is easier to decide sometimes without the distraction of the physical and visual, which is limiting. This is what I mean by this process being oracular; and comprehensive because it mutes the habitual.

If you start from the physical, visual perspective, you may find yourself peripheralizing and working your way in. If you start from within, you may find the clearpath directly to the outer target you had hoped to see and act upon in the first place.

This is a technique for looking at possibilities, silently and objectively, without emotion and then choosing. It's mental, not visceral. Then, all the components necessary to accomplish the chosen action can be carried out in the same vein.