Saturday, December 30, 2006


I have been experimenting with a personal process technique lately I call "declarative thinking". I came to this process and this term independently, based on my life long study of linguistics, grammar, and sentence structure, as applied to developing conscious personal process systems for dealing with everyday reality from the perspective of seeing reality as a language-objectifiable complexity landscape. It was this type of internalized, verbal, linguistic approach to studying life perspectives and potential, actualizeable action decisions within that landscape, that led me to develop the to-do list, personal process application The MasterList.

But after researching the term "declarative thinking" on the internet, I realize that I am not alone. Steven Pemberton,a cutting edge programming guru, touts a concept he calls "The Power of Declarative Thinking", which appears to be a philosophy that relates language to thought with the aim of finding practical ways to apply the concept as Declarative Coding of web-based applications. Probably, I have botched the description of his concept and his purpose. The key is that his approach is to consider the interface of language and thought to the process of creating web applications. My approach is to consider the interface of language and thought to create a self-conscious life process.

I am my own application. In my approach, I am the Declarative Mind. Simply put this means that I can look at reality and say what I see in a declarative sentence. This sentence can describe anything that I can see with any words that I can find. And, I can do this internally, in my mind. Ooh lah lah! I think (cognitively, with full sentences, grammatical structure, syntax, and according to language rule hoyle)! Therefore, I am (or have) a Declarative Mind.

Language is an invention, as is software coding language. I won't belabor the invention of language here. Suffice it to say, early man did not have a big dictionary. Modern man can only speak words he knows, many of which are written. And, until just two hundred years ago, most citizens of the now democratized world could not read or write. So, they didn't have the words. Or, the potential knowledge that goes with the words.

Put another way, precise, verbal language (declarative sentencing) is a technique which is learned. Remember the 3R's? So, a modern programmer might say of an enterprise management software program: This coding is not declarative enough. In other words, instead of the software telling the software what to do, too much human interaction is required to tell the software what to do, even while the software is telling me what to do. Let's build more internal declaration into the software to reduce the required amount of human declaration to make the software sputter and go.

So, let's analogize that to the human situation of the subjectively conscious individual. Someone who can perceive, observe, think, and convert that into precise verbal declarations. OK. Here's an experiment. Stop. Look around. Be Quiet. Can you say what you see? Can you say it internally? In a complete sentence? That is Declarative Thinking. You are the Declarative Mind.

Alright, where am I going with this? My theory is that I am the most important application in my life. I am the tool that walks, runs, drives, works, manages, plays, and navigates through the complex landscape of my reality. So, how do I manage this tool? I think I could improve upon the declarative side of my personal coding.

Hence, I choose to exercise my ability to declare. Constantly, persistently, and wherever possible.

It was this impetus towards internal verbal declaration combined with the idea of looking at reality, almost as if by game theory, as an objectifiable complexity landscape, that led me to create my personal process software The MasterList. The MasterList software application, not emails, or word documents, or spreadsheets, is where I store most of my inventory of potentially useful Declarations (memories, ticklers, bookmarks, descriptions, pathways, avenues, routes, goals, reminders, back stories, stratagems) for both done and undone actions.

So, that's my path. Declarative Mind. Declarative Thinking. Declarative sentencing. Observation and choice in flux (flow, accordance) with that.

T.S. Vu

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


I saw an ad on TV today for Blackberry, where a guy claims to be lost without his Blackberry. I run MapQuest constantly to find out how I am going to get to a destination, and how long it is going to take me. I have enjoyed Google's Satellite views of locations I am interested in.

So, much for physical space. Is that where I am going?

What if where I want to go is meta-physical, i.e. a goal, a mode, a way of being, a result, a process? You get the idea.

So, let's call the dimension in which those things are processed, meta-physical space.

Where is the Blackberry that can direct me through meta-physical space and choices? The MapQuest? The satellite view?

In fact, while we are at it. What does a Search Engine itself have to do with anything relating to My Direction?

A Search Engine is finite. It can only show you everything that has ever been recorded into its database about everything recordable in this world in text, image, and sound data. In that context, it appears limitless because what Google's 100,000 servers hold is 24 billion pages. So, let's assume I personally possess knowledge equal to 1 million pages of data. Shouldn't I be in Awe that collectively, Google, holds 23,999,999,000 more knowledge than me? By Google definition, I only possess 1/23,999,999,000 of the world's knowledge, or something like 4 millionths of a percent.

God, that makes me feel dumb. But, I think not.

The kids on My Space have it right. It's what we already know that counts; and it counts in the context of who we know it with, and what we want to use that knowledge for. And, most importantly, where we want to go from there.

So, What is Direction?

Direction is Who you want to be, When you want to be that, Where you want to be it, with Whom, When, How, and Why.

So, what is a tool for that? Search Engines are the opium of the masses. They do not provide Direction as a tool.

If you want to find Direction, you need to look to the metaphysical processes of who you are in time and space. Am I a bio-unit at a geo-coordinate? I think there is more to it. Is where I want to go just to the grocery store? Or, is my place in the universe more than just geo-coordinates?

When I created The MasterList, I had these questions in mind. Applying complexity and game-theory, I saw actions in the meta-spatial context of projects, and projects as sequences with event horizons, boundaries, objects, players, in-liers, out-liers, and intra-spatial conflict factors. Using this tool to direct my life, as a personal process tool, my path has been one with cognitive heart, death-defying decision-making, and spiritual punch.

Can a Search Engine show you the way? How do you know what is a way?

Find your direction.

T.S. Vu

Saturday, September 09, 2006


Every instant is defined by a state of action or inaction which is what it is. You are doing or not doing x.

Every current action in process has a position in an action flow path that is potentially continuous, and is segmentable.

Every choice of action involves a primary binary decision in the instant to stay with or switch away from the current flow of action.

All actions are points on paths of action flows, coursing from a fork in a prior flow path, and infinite paths before that.

Thus action can be viewed as incremental. Increments can be viewed as segmented units of action, which although not fungible, can be handled, moved, alternated, rotated, and inventoried.

In other words, one continuous action can take place at dis-jointed points in time, alternated with segments or increments from other continuous actions. Instead of Action Flow 1, A,B,C; or Action Flow 2, a,b,c, it is possible to alternate actions Aa,Bb,Cc, or any other combination and still achieve flow and closure, without loss of tempo.

Action can be metered. Action can have tempo. Action can have rhythm.

What shall we call a basic measure of action in terms of an increment or segment. Is it a "minute" of action? A "yard" of action? A "foot" of action?

I choose to call it a "pant leg of action". There is an old saying that you can only put on "one pant leg at a time". The basic unit of action measurement is something you can only do one of at one time, without alternation with other units of action. In other words, a "pant leg of action" is a minimum increment of action that is so basic, it doesn't get mixed up with other units of action in the action blender of "time".

Units of time measure action only indirectly. However, time is useful for measuring action. Hence best-selling books like Blanchard's The One Minute Manager, about chunking projects into 1 minute actionable units. Reference also, The Fly Lady, household management expert extraordinaire who says "You can do Anything in 15 Minutes". Reference also,Alan Lakein,who invented the Swiss Cheese Method for breaking large projects into small bites and working them incrementally.

Once you see Action as a Pant-Leg, in other words a timeable, measurable unit of discrete process flow, you can then see the benefits of incremental action, incremental improvement (kaizen), and the principles of incremental or segmental action flow involving multi-tasking that I have identified as alternation and rotation.

Additionally, you can begin to appreciate the Japanese concept of bushido (which in action management I call getting caught up in the timeless artfulness of a single action to the point where there is no management, just continuous purposeful flow, ala zen.)

So, how do I measure a pant leg of action in terms of time? Generally 3 minutes, or 5 minutes, or combined into 8. But, that's arbitrary. 1 minute isn't enough for anything. 15 minutes is a serious commitment. But, consider this. At 5 minutes 20 times a day on a priority, you have applied 100 minutes, out of about 480 useful minutes available. These can be incremented, alternated, and rotated with other non-priority or lower priority Pant Legs of Action while keeping the primary focus on the A1 priority, just putting the flow together in a sequence composed of intervals.

You would be surprised how continuous cyclical return to a primary task, alternated with relief work on lesser priorities, actually compresses the amount of time to get the primary priority done, and assists you in clearing out the clutter of the peripheral junk that causes you so much stress.

And, because the amount of time you have in a day is like a bucket with a limited available quantity, it is important to make good choices about which Pant Legs you are applying your time to, and which not, and in which order. Since you can't do everything, the less lower priority stuff done, and the more higher priority stuff done with higher time compression, the less likely you are to find yourself at the end of the day pouring water into an already full bucket.

Well, having mixed pant legs and buckets, time for my usual reminder. The MasterList remains the best tool I have found for co-ordinating this kind of conducting of action. The MasterList makes you the conductor and co-ordinator, or even "composer" (yet another mixed metaphor) of the ongoing action flow of your life; rather, than you being the victim of the flow. You decide the tempo, the timing, and the exact choice of increment to "bench" on your action worktable at any given moment to the exclusion of all others. Thus, rather than your being swept away by the process,The MasterList is your tool to control the process. Sometimes you can't become a virtuoso, without the right tool. When it comes to life management, work management, and personal process management, The MasterList is that tool.

To recap, a Pant Leg of Action is a unit of action that involves an uninterrupted focus on an action, for an incremental span of time, working from an instant. This instant.

That's why I am not and should not be intimidated by anybody, since they cannot do any more than me in the instant. And, on a going forward basis, we have an equally infinite inventory of potential instants that lay ahead where we can make competitive action choices. The future is always a level playing field, particularly when I have a tool like The MasterList, where I can "load the deck" with pre-configured potential action choices, which allow me to resist succumbing to mere reactivity to the gush of events.

I can achieve anything, starting from where I am already at, assuming I understand that when it comes to a Pant Leg of Action, I have the freedom to choose which one right now; and, defer the rest, until just the right time.

Saturday, September 02, 2006


An ambit is the arced far-edge of a potential range of vision or action.

Every ambit has relativity to an actor, or agent, who is the originator of the view to the potential action. This actor is at a center, or centering point, called origo.

Between the ambit and the actor is a line, kind of like a balloon string, that is path of potential action along the view.

One actor can have many ambits. The universe being multi-dimensional, not linear, and at least global, the strings of potential actions for any individual extend in 360 degrees in any plane cutting through a sphere.

We can recognize that there are 360 potential planes of action to the 360th for any individual in any instant.

The instant is where we find ourselves right now.

Habit is the ambit we are most likely to pursue right now without further analysis.

Routine is the method by which we will act upon an habitual ambit.

Compulsion is an internal or external force (like trying to keep a job, or keep a marriage together) that influences a proclivity towards habitual action.

The universe of potential actions is broader than any one ambit. So, the potential universe has many aspects which can be viewed as ambits, or acted upon in the alternative to any path of action currently being acted upon in the instant. Likewise, any ambit has many potential aspects and is not always the same when viewed in different instants.

Because this is not understood, we are often surpised by what is new, innovative, and paradigm-shifting. But, if we understand this, we can see the Black Swan coming.

A Black Swan is something unexpected that suddenly materializes in a new and provocative way.

What to choose? How to choose? Where to go?

If you close your eyes, meditation style, the physical world and competing attractors are shut down. This takes you to an inner range of vision. Candidates for action can be recognized by other than physical means. Take a pile of work on your desk for example. That's a physical attraction. But, is it a priority? Shut down the physical by closing your eyes and assess the possibilities from the point of view of temporary physical blindness.

I call this being oracular. Weren't most oracles blind, or in dark hidden recesses like wells where the questors had to lean in and their questions echoed around? Ask yourself, for instance what do I do next? The answer may be different with eyes closed, than with eyes opened. I call this inner dialogue. Listen to the answer, with eyes-closed. This may lead you to eyes open action. I call this working to the outside from the inside.

The Mind is in the head. Eyes-closed it can ask: What are ALL the ambits (ie potential actions), the candidates, for this instant? It is easier to decide sometimes without the distraction of the physical and visual, which is limiting. This is what I mean by this process being oracular; and comprehensive because it mutes the habitual.

If you start from the physical, visual perspective, you may find yourself peripheralizing and working your way in. If you start from within, you may find the clearpath directly to the outer target you had hoped to see and act upon in the first place.

This is a technique for looking at possibilities, silently and objectively, without emotion and then choosing. It's mental, not visceral. Then, all the components necessary to accomplish the chosen action can be carried out in the same vein.

Sunday, August 06, 2006


Eternity is timeless, random, and asynchronous. Civilization is time-bound, rule-governed, and synchronous.

Ah, there's the rub.

We create purpose and then require it. Eternity is purposeless; and, therefore pure.

I am a time-warrior, fighting windmills of intent with counter-intents. Racing against other time-warriors to be first, after somebody else who came before and dropped us in the maze.

Armor on. Armor off. Fighting. Not fighting. A thousand points of potential actions all defined by paradigms, deeply conceptualized by forefathers from eons merged into cosmic dust. Memories only. Not even ours. Cultural artifacts tell the story to believe or not.

How does courage relate to action? Try to be still, and see.

A mountain, a window, a white capped sea. A desk, a man, a vase with flower. A pen, a paper, narrowed eyes. A mind, a brilliance, a breath. A pause, a sound, the wind.

Who. When. Where. Why. How.


What is or isn't now? What is or isn't next?

One day a man was sitting at his desk in despair. He felt arrow fusillades of emotions hitting him in the heart as he dimly acknowledged how much he had to do.

So much to do. But why? Why so much to do?

Motion. No motion. Emotion. Slow motion. What is the opposite of motion? What is the motion of opposites?

Ah! A di-lemma.

Now, this takes my breath away!

Saturday, August 05, 2006


I lost my compass awhile back and went hunting for a cup of coffee to think about it. It was a hot June day. Starbucks was out. I wanted plain black Columbian coffee. Java in a dirty mug. Something basic to mull things over.

It was a late weekday afternoon, and nothing was open! Then, I remembered a cathedral, not far from my office, across from a university, where a neighbor, a retired minister, had invited neighbors and friends one Easter to share services and coffee after.

As I got there, I noticed the church doors were open. So, I got my coffee at the shop next door and then made a bee line into the church. That late afternoon, spilling into evening, they were having a vespers service. I studied the stained glass windows, the light, and the small assembled congregation. I set my physical coffee under my chair and, instead, had spiritual coffee with God.

Let's say that I had lost my confidence, my hope, and my faith. Let's say I remembered how to find them.

So, what does this have to do with action theory and black swan outliers?

At any moment we are all high wire artists at the start of an "act". The end of the act is on the other side. We know how to do it, each and every little part of our act, in the action box that envelops our highwire path. It is the starting that is difficult, the going, and the ending. As well as the re-beginning and renewing. Again and again.

So, there has to be some faith. There has to be some confidence. There has to be some happiness. Once in awhile, you have to contemplate the sunlight coming through the stained glass window and share a cup of coffee with God.

Steeling yourself for a highwire life of action doesn't necessarily require fear, anxiety, or confusion.

At any instant, we are all at a potential start point that stands alone, with infinite possibilities. If we had the perfect guide, who could dialogue with us every step of the way, and share in the spirit of that One, imagine how much could we accomplish starting right here, right now.

I am an outlier come home, ready to do my tricks.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006


The purpose of all action is to move from one position to another. If we each had only one action to manage, we would be a little bit like the rug salesman who had only one rug to sell. So, action management implies management of many actual positions with a view towards completing action towards one of multiple potential positions relative to each actual position.