Wednesday, December 06, 2006


I saw an ad on TV today for Blackberry, where a guy claims to be lost without his Blackberry. I run MapQuest constantly to find out how I am going to get to a destination, and how long it is going to take me. I have enjoyed Google's Satellite views of locations I am interested in.

So, much for physical space. Is that where I am going?

What if where I want to go is meta-physical, i.e. a goal, a mode, a way of being, a result, a process? You get the idea.

So, let's call the dimension in which those things are processed, meta-physical space.

Where is the Blackberry that can direct me through meta-physical space and choices? The MapQuest? The satellite view?

In fact, while we are at it. What does a Search Engine itself have to do with anything relating to My Direction?

A Search Engine is finite. It can only show you everything that has ever been recorded into its database about everything recordable in this world in text, image, and sound data. In that context, it appears limitless because what Google's 100,000 servers hold is 24 billion pages. So, let's assume I personally possess knowledge equal to 1 million pages of data. Shouldn't I be in Awe that collectively, Google, holds 23,999,999,000 more knowledge than me? By Google definition, I only possess 1/23,999,999,000 of the world's knowledge, or something like 4 millionths of a percent.

God, that makes me feel dumb. But, I think not.

The kids on My Space have it right. It's what we already know that counts; and it counts in the context of who we know it with, and what we want to use that knowledge for. And, most importantly, where we want to go from there.

So, What is Direction?

Direction is Who you want to be, When you want to be that, Where you want to be it, with Whom, When, How, and Why.

So, what is a tool for that? Search Engines are the opium of the masses. They do not provide Direction as a tool.

If you want to find Direction, you need to look to the metaphysical processes of who you are in time and space. Am I a bio-unit at a geo-coordinate? I think there is more to it. Is where I want to go just to the grocery store? Or, is my place in the universe more than just geo-coordinates?

When I created The MasterList, I had these questions in mind. Applying complexity and game-theory, I saw actions in the meta-spatial context of projects, and projects as sequences with event horizons, boundaries, objects, players, in-liers, out-liers, and intra-spatial conflict factors. Using this tool to direct my life, as a personal process tool, my path has been one with cognitive heart, death-defying decision-making, and spiritual punch.

Can a Search Engine show you the way? How do you know what is a way?

Find your direction.

T.S. Vu