Sunday, August 06, 2006


Eternity is timeless, random, and asynchronous. Civilization is time-bound, rule-governed, and synchronous.

Ah, there's the rub.

We create purpose and then require it. Eternity is purposeless; and, therefore pure.

I am a time-warrior, fighting windmills of intent with counter-intents. Racing against other time-warriors to be first, after somebody else who came before and dropped us in the maze.

Armor on. Armor off. Fighting. Not fighting. A thousand points of potential actions all defined by paradigms, deeply conceptualized by forefathers from eons merged into cosmic dust. Memories only. Not even ours. Cultural artifacts tell the story to believe or not.

How does courage relate to action? Try to be still, and see.

A mountain, a window, a white capped sea. A desk, a man, a vase with flower. A pen, a paper, narrowed eyes. A mind, a brilliance, a breath. A pause, a sound, the wind.

Who. When. Where. Why. How.


What is or isn't now? What is or isn't next?

One day a man was sitting at his desk in despair. He felt arrow fusillades of emotions hitting him in the heart as he dimly acknowledged how much he had to do.

So much to do. But why? Why so much to do?

Motion. No motion. Emotion. Slow motion. What is the opposite of motion? What is the motion of opposites?

Ah! A di-lemma.

Now, this takes my breath away!