Sunday, September 25, 2005


JIT VANG means taking direct action with a perspective to all potential actions. It is about taking correct action at just the right time. Action appropriate to time.

JIT VANG is mental Kung Fu.

JIT VANG is based on a recognition of the following principles that govern all behavioral actions:

1. All action involves an actor, me.
2. All action occurs in a situation wherein I have a position.
3. All situations, with the possible exceptions of sleep, mindless ecstasy, and death, are complex from the perspective of the actor.
4. Complexity is a factor of multiple possible positions and situations within an action horizon.
5. All situations exist in a landscape which has an ascertainable horizon line within which can be seen all aspects and variables of any situation and within which can be envisioned multiple potential successive situations.
6. There is potential action at my position, there is potential action between my position and the action landscape horizon, there is potential action over the horizon even though I cannot see or know what it is.
7. Staying still at a position alternates with going from a position.
8. Whenever you go from a position you go to another position, by means of an attempt. This attempt is called the action.
9. Any position and situation is likely to involve other actors who are collaborative, competitive, or confrontational.
10. Action is a linear performance by an actor in a direction through a complex action landscape embedded with potential choices and potential conflicts.
11. How I see and understand my position relative to all potential positions is relevant to how I decide what to do next and to the outcome of the performance of my choice.
12. Linear actions can be deflected by confrontation, by choice, or by digression.

JIT VANG is a process for achieving pure, true, successive, and persistent sequences of linear actions that are just right for the moment and carried out just so, with all the details nailed. This can be a very fulfilling process which through a series of actions and rests takes on a life-fulfilling flow along a path that defines its own merit.

The MasterList is an implementation tool for personal and professional JIT VANG.

Saturday, September 17, 2005


JIT VANG is a system for personal tactical success that defines knowledge as objects, objects as targets, targets as projects, and projects as territorial choices for purposeful action.

It takes complex behavior to get complex things done. JIT VANG is a system that involves technique for encountering complexity and reducing it to a simple organizational structure that allows for simple choices of non-complex determinative actions that cut through the complexity to achieve desired results. JIT VANG will improve your ability to see alternatives, to sort alternatives, to go shopping for knowledge and pick the right knowledge you need, not all the knowledge in the store, and to make good choices.

The foundation of JIT VANG is the idea of combining a Just-In-Time (JIT) approach to personal action, with an imperative on executing choices by "going" (VA) while appreciating the process-ness of the choice (-ing or NG). You don't just run to the store. You are run-ning. Run-ning is a process that can be appreciated as an end in itself, and is just as important as getting to the store. NG is HOW you go the store. VA is THAT you go to the store. JIT is the calculated choice you make WHEN to go to the store and WHY instead of some other potential action. JIT VA-NG.

VANG is a verb that rhymes with Bang. Bang Bang is action just like that. VANG is action just in time, that is well chosen, but proceeds like the thunderclap of Bang Bang. VANG is a single, continuous, possibly sequenced, focused action that gets directly to the point, no matter how near or far so long as capable of "one stroke", prioritizing the target and permitting no stopping to smell the roses, while requiring full consciousness of the essence of their perfume and anything else of interest along the way. Stopping is not an option with JIT VANG. It is all about starting, going, and finishing, with continuous replenishment of the next choice of action. An action gun with infinite chambers, limited only by sleep, personal toxicity, and toxic intrusion by others requiring occasional fresh starts and re-gatherings.

JIT VANG, by association with just-in-time theory, assumes an Inventory of Choices. These choices are stored in the mind, in the reactive assessment of the moment, and in documentation which can be paper-based, document based, or data-based.

Choices must be inventoried because multiple progressive moments present multiple action scenarios, none of which can be completely dealt with in the immediate moment. All actions must be completed in the immediate moment. All ideas must be conceived in the immediate moment. All decisions must be made in the immediate moment. And, yet there are hundreds of choices, but only one immediate moment.

All targets and goals are not now, but later. All steps in plans are not now, but later. All sequences and levels of projects are not now, but later. Now is very limited.

We act in time, 1 component action at a time. Action sequences become VANG threads by which we wend our way through territories of multiple choices and interruptive interactions. What is conceivable is 1 + x to the xth power. What is do-able is 1 -> 1 -> 1 ->... If we can only take one step after another, how do we go far, achieve honorific targets, enjoy the magnificence of the process? The key is controlling the next choice in the Next Now (Next) enjoying the pursuit of that choice in the immediate Now.

This is binary. Balancing the Now and the Next. It is the secret of time, which in short is actualizing (act-creating) in sequences, which flow linearly with tempo. JIT VANG is a system for achieving tempo and linear flow through time. Does that make it a life-enhancing secret? Possibly. Perhaps, managing actions in time is life management.

What is a life if it is not managed? An unmanaged life? Enough of that! Hence, for now, one can attempt life management, as with JIT VANG.

More Later.