Sunday, August 22, 2004


In diagramming a sentence we learned that every sentence is made up of a subject and a predicate. The predicate includes the verb and its complements, among which are The Direct Object. Namely, the Object that receives the action of the verb.

Isn't there a parallel between sentences and real-life action? A good story in the New York Times, The Chicago Tribune, your local sports pages follows grammatical rules incorporated in sentences to describe real life drama in which we are keenly interested. The better the drama. The better the action. The better we like it.

So, I take this truth to be self-evident: The best drama in the world is the story of the actions we take in response to the potential Direct Objects that present themselves to us as we each journey on the path we call our Life.

I also hold this truth to be self-evident: Not every Object that is potentially actionable can be acted upon.

Because we, unto ourselves, are the best drama, we engage in a lot of sentence-writing which is autobiographical and past tense. Journals are an example. Blogs too. Resumes. As professionals, we incorporate our work place into the mix and spend a lot of time summarizing and justifying events past tense. CYA memos. Clarification emails. Meeting and event summaries.

The past, however, is mere prologue to the future. All the real action is either in the here and now. Or, in the potential future. That future is zipping towards us with myriads of possibilities, every one of which is defined by a potential Direct Object.

You can't get things done without sizing up and working on Direct Objects. Indeed, one of my favorite writers wrote that to achieve anything you need "to stalk yourself", meaning make yourself a Direct Object so powerfully that perhaps there is some hope you will find an answer. Well, I happen to disagree with my fave.

I believe that what gives us personal power and definition is our ability to act successfully on Direct Objects in the world of action. In other words, in the chicken-egg argument of what came first, the self/subject/agent/origo/me or the action upon object history and future that defines me (to myself and others - aren't sports heroes defined by their deeds?), I come down on the side of Deeds. Mechanical action of self upon well-selected Direct Objects of Reality. Physical objects. Conceptual Objects. Sequential chains of objects. That is the Quest.

Deeds, as the Wizard of Oz might say are good doings upon Direct Objects of great importance that hold great interest to us and/or others.

Deeds are what sports legends do. Great swings that connect to drive balls into the open field or over the fence with great consistency define the great ballplayer. At least to the sports fan. The great inner ballplayer who strikes out consistently and never hits a home run is not a sports hero to others. But, he can still find greatness depending on his definition of Deeds. And, the way he or she goes about it.

It's that going about it part that is critical. You need a subject, and a Direct Object. The better the Direct Object, the better the result. The trick is making choices among all the potentials to steer yourself, claw yourself, and stalk yourself into the best mix of Direct Objects suited to your ability to apply a transitive verb of your liking to the situation.

So, a hero is not just somebody in the abstract we read about in the newspapers. Deeds upon well-defined Direct Objects of interest can done be by anyone who makes the choice.

To me, stalking the self, means defining and stalking the Direct Objects of my life here and now, and my future potential heres and nows.

So, I have stopped looking for a path with heart. I think I would rather connect the dots, of all the potential Direct Objects that lay before me as actionable right now, taking all factors into account ("whatever they might be" - as the Wiz might say in a guffawing aside), and choose to act upon the next Direct Object with most Heart right now. I'll stalk that and after stalking a few more, the connected dots will make a path for purposes of my own history. What lies ahead in the future, although capable of some predictability, I would rather see as a Quest than a grinding repetition of what has already been.

What are those objects that lie ahead? What choices do I still have? I'm looking.